Weather forecast Around the hotel

Weather forecast · road conditions, temperature information

Weather information and road conditions Around the hotel

About the surrounding road conditions in winter

KARUIZAWA and North KARUIZAWA area Around the hotel, the altitude can be found in about 900m ~ 1200m and the high place. Therefore, from November to April, there are snow and ice burns on the road surface. When you come, it is safe to bring studless tires or chains.
Although snow is removed from national and prefectural roads, there are ice burns everywhere, so please be careful not to slow down and avoid sudden braking or steering.

Annual temperature information Around the hotel

Table: Annual temperature information
  • The temperature is about 8℃ lower than the center of the city.
  • The temperature is for reference only, so the temperature will change depending on the day.

Enjoy the nature of the four seasons

Clear blue sky in spring
A summer resort with fresh greenery
Autumn leaves 360 degrees
White snow makeup in winter